Frequently Asked Questions

Some people think CELLS is just about a group of people who scare kids about crime – this couldn’t be further from the truth. Our awareness sessions are more educational than anything and address most aspects of PSHE. All we do is offer young people an informed choice from people with lived experience, who have overcome issues the youngsters are facing and are trained to deliver the lessons. We understand that you cannot just take something away from youngsters; it is due to this, we try and offer an introduction into positive activities and personal development. We also reduce re-offending by helping people to progress into work experience and vocational qualifications. Some other myths about CELLS are rectified below:

Common Questions

— What does The CELLS Project stand for?

The CELLS Project stands for The Choices, Education, Learning, Lifelong Skills Project. We aim to educate children and young people on the consequences of crime through sharing lived experience. 

— Who can get involved with CELLS?

If you are an ex-offender who is looking to rehabilitate and turn your negative past into a positive future, we offer training opportunities for you to progress into paid work as a Level 2 mentor for children and young people who are at risk of or involved with crime as well as share your lived experience at awareness days. 

If you have been affected by crime, we have a family support group led by victims of crime and mums who would like to offer their support and help individuals who may be facing similar situations they have been through in the past.

Primary and High School schools who would benefit from our services can also contact us directly to enquire about our mentoring and awareness days.

Students looking for placement or volunteering opportunities can contact us directly to get involved via the email address below.

— How to get involved with cells?

To enquire about volunteering or placement opportunities with CELLS please email Taylor:  volunteer@cellsproject.com

To enquire about booking an awareness day email Shaun:  choices@cellsproject.com

To enquire about our mentoring services email Jemma:  support@cellsproject.com

— Are my children too young to get involved?

The CELLS Project deliver sessions to school children of all ages, from all backgrounds. What enables us to ensure all policies and procedures are adhered to is the way we tailor-make the programmes with the help of the host service user (ie, the school head or teacher) who, in turn, relays the delivery to parents and carers. 

We ensure all materials and delivery are age-relevant, and we do feel that all children should be aware of where crime can lead.

Mentoring is also available for children of all ages, with our mentors tailoring their sessions to meet each child’s needs and ensure the topics discussed are age appropriate. 

However our youth club is specifically for children ages 8-12, this allows the children to make friends and socialise with other youths around their own age.

— Are all awareness sessions the same?

It is very rare that we deliver the same session to different groups.  When a booking is placed we research the area’s issues and needs and then plan the events and delivery content accordingly.  This research is undertaken with the host service user’s input. If your school would like a specific session all we ask if you let us know!

— Did you find an answer to your question?

If not, please contact us directly and we will get back to you as soon as we can!